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Mailuu-Suu electric bulb plant to be returned to state

Mailuu-Suu electric bulb plant will be returned to the state; it will be transferred to Kyrgyzindustriya JSC. The President of the joint-stock company Zharasul Abduraimov reported.

According to him, a business plan for further development of the enterprise is being developed. The plant will produce energy-efficient light bulbs using new technologies, as well as other glass products. It is also planned to create Electrotaxopark JSC for electric vehicles in Bishkek and Balykchy.

«To date, Kyrgyzindustriya JSC has prepared about 30 business plans. Other 130-140 business plans are expected, which will take into account the raw materials base and other possibilities of the state. If necessary, equipment and technologies for enterprises will be imported. The main goal of Kyrgyzindustriya JSC is to launch import-substituting enterprises and create new jobs,» the statement says.
