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Roskomnadzor blocks Facebook in Russia

Russian telecommunications regulator, Roskomnadzor, decided to block access to Facebook network in Russia. Website of the Federal Service of Russia reports.

It is noted that these are retaliatory measures in response to restriction of access to Russian media.

«26 cases of discrimination against Russian media and information resources by Facebook have been recorded since October 2020. In recent days, the social network has restricted access to the accounts of Zvezda TV channel, RIA Novosti news agency, Sputnik, Russia Today, Lenta.ru and Gazeta.ru information resources,» the statement says.

Roskomnadzor noted that such restrictions are prohibited by the Federal Law «On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation», adopted, among other things, to prevent violations of the key principles of the free flow of information and unhindered access of Russian users to Russian media on foreign Internet platforms.