Film from Kyrgyzstan included in program of CIS Film Festival

13:22, 13 декабря 2021, Bishkek - news agency , Anastasia MOKRENKO

The feature film «Akyrky Koch» (The Road to Eden) was included in the program of the International Film Festival of the Commonwealth Countries Moscow Premiere, which will be held on December 17-21 in Moscow. Kyrgyzfilm film studio named after Tolomush Okeyev informed news agency.

The history of the festival dates back to 2003. Aleksey Batalov, People’s Artist of the USSR, was its president.

The competitive programs of full-length and short films include movies from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Estonia.

The film stars Marat Alyshpaev, Shaiyrgul Kasymalieva, Busurman Odurakaev, Anara Azhikanova, Kalipa Usenova, Omurzak Toktomuratov. Elnura Osmonalieva is the co-producer of the film.

The film is a joint production of Kyrgyzfilm National Film Studio named after Tolomush Okeev and Bilimkana Public Foundation.

«Salvador Dali» film directed by Eldiyar Madakim was also selected for Moscow Premiere International Film Festival.