The Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan presented a new draft law on the right to access to information.
It says that the state guarantees the right of everyone to search, receive, store, use and disseminate information. It guarantees the obligation of the holder of information to provide it; the procedure for submitting a request is simplified as much as possible. Response is given within not more than 10 working days. It used to be 14 working days. The term is calculated from the moment the request is received.
It also provides for parliamentary, public and state control over the observance of the right to access information.
Clauses on restricting access to information are also spelled out. It is indicated that it is prohibited to provide this or that information if it may cause harm or cause damage. «The harm from such information released to the public prevails over the public interest,» the draft document says.
Confidential, secret, proprietary information is not provided, there are no exceptions.
The law drafters noted that these definitions and procedures are in accordance with international standards.
Access to information on privileges, compensation and benefits provided by the state to individuals and legal entities is not subject to restrictions by law, as well as the declarations of income and property.