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USA includes Kyrgyzstan in list of countries with low risk of COVID-19 infection

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed Kyrgyzstan as a country with a low risk of coronavirus infection (level 1). Website of the organization says.

According to CDC criteria, the level 4 is considered as the highest risk of infection. It includes countries where more than 500 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants have been registered in the last 28 days. In total, there are more than 80 countries in the level 4 list. The CDC recently included Russia, Belgium, Burkina Faso and Slovakia in this group. US citizens are advised to refrain from traveling to high-risk countries. If the trip is necessary, then it is advised to get vaccinated.

Kyrgyzstan is included in the level 1 group (low level of COVID-19). «Before traveling to these places, make sure you are fully vaccinated,» CDC says.

The republic’s closest neighbors Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were included in the list of countries, where the level of risk of infection is unknown. US citizens are also advised to avoid traveling to these destinations.
