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Kyrgyzstan to get 200,000 doses of Sputnik Light vaccine from Russia for free

The Russian government allocated 86.5 million rubles to the Emergencies Ministry for the purchase of the Sputnik Light coronavirus vaccine and its delivery as a humanitarian aid to Kyrgyzstan. TASS reports.

«In order to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic in the fight against coronavirus infection: to allocate the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia 78 million rubles from the government reserve fund to pay for procurement from the federal state budgetary institution National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health 200,000 doses of Sputnik Light vector vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus and thermal containers,» the document says.

In addition, the ministry will be allocated up to 8.5 million rubles to cover the cost of delivery of the humanitarian aid to Kyrgyzstan.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations must purchase, deliver and hand over the humanitarian aid in compliance with the necessary conditions for its storage and transportation.

Mass vaccination in Kyrgyzstan began in the spring. At the moment, 913,000 people have been vaccinated with the first dose and 692,000 — with two doses in the republic. At least 180,000 people infected with coronavirus have been registered in the republic since March 2020, 174,600 people have recovered, 2,638 have died.
