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Kumtor is running at full operating speed

Since May 17, 2021, the Kumtor mine has been operating as planned with the supply carried out promptly and in full. Press service of the company reports.

Kumtor Gold Company JSC (KGC) also commented on publications in some media claiming that after the introduction of temporary external management at Kumtor Gold Company (KGC), some foreign suppliers refused to fulfill their obligations to deliver the necessary equipment and spare parts to the company.

«Indeed, in June 2021, KGC began receiving letters from major foreign suppliers of goods and services, in which they notified about the unilateral suspension of cooperation. This was the dastardly plan of Centerra’s top managers — to shut down the mine operation by any means, thereby forcing the government of the Kyrgyz Republic to make concessions and take decisions that would benefit the Canadian corporation. However, thanks to the competence, professionalism and experience of the KGC Temporary External Manager Tengiz Bolturuk and the efforts of local specialists, the problems were solved quickly and efficiently, thus ensuring the continuous operation and functioning of all Kumtor mine departments. Centerra’s plan failed,» Kumtor’s press service states.

«The operation continues. We have withstood this onslaught. We manage to successfully solve these problems. We are working with alternative suppliers; we are finding other supply chains. We are not afraid of any challenges and our mine can no longer be stopped,» the company’s press service cites Tengiz Bolturuk as saying.

According to it, what globalization is and how it works can be traced using the example of the Kumtor mine.

«Technologies, tools, devices and materials that are produced and delivered here from various parts of the world are put together in one place. Hundreds of tons of various cargoes are delivered to the mine site every day. Currently, the Company’s Procurement Department is working closely with suppliers to establish a diversified global supply network. Stocks of all materials, spare parts and fuel necessary for the mine vital functions have been created. The company pays the suppliers of goods, works and services in full,» the statement says.

The Temporary External Manager of Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Tengiz Bolturuk, stated: «I appeal to the Centerra management, Scott Perry, Dan Desjardins. We need to stop. You won’t win this war. There are many various goods and spare parts in the world. Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu and many other manufacturers. No one needs this much ado about nothing. You must be honest with yourself and with the people of Kyrgyzstan! Kumtor is working and will be working! As we have four thousand employees, their families, the whole country behind us, it is useless to try to bring us to our knees.»

Currently, KGC has initiated procedures that ensure transparent purchases of goods and services. Tender announcements are published on the company’s website.

«Mine site employees note that over the period of temporary external management at KGC, there have been noticeable changes for the better. People have become much more comfortable living at the mine site. Employees’ salaries are paid on time. Experts note that the Temporary External Manager Tengiz Bolturuk has shown himself to be an outstanding internationally recognized mining expert, an excellent manager who knows and is able to manage the largest and most successful company in Kyrgyzstan. All departments run like clockwork,» company’s press service says in the statement.
