11:17, 15 июля 2021, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Darya PODOLSKAYA
Nationwide survey by the Coalition Against Torture in Kyrgyzstan together with the research company M-Vector revealed that 11 percent of the respondents were tortured. Every fifth respondent (18 percent) at least once witnessed the use of torture in relation to others.
The respondents also told that they were tortured mainly in order to intimidate or humiliate a person, or to obtain a confession from him or her. At least 4 percent of those who have been tortured are women.
Most of the respondents among victims of torture by law enforcement agencies noted that they were tortured once or twice, while 12 percent of the victims experienced frequent or repeated cruel treatment.
At least 22 percent of Kyrgyzstanis report cases of torture against their close circle, relatives, friends and acquaintances, including 10 percent of the respondents reported that this happened with the aim of influencing themselves.