The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) approved a new version of the program for development of interstate standards for technical regulations on food safety. Press service of the EEC reported.
The program provides for development of 58 new interstate standards. One of them is assigned to Belarus, to Kyrgyzstan — 18, Kazakhstan — 9, Russia — 30. These interstate standards will be prepared for the identification of certain types of food products (bakery and confectionery products, meat, vegetables, tea products and some other products).
«In addition, to conduct research in assessing compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, intergovernmental standards will be developed for methods for determining macro- and micronutrients in dietary supplements, sanitary and parasitological expertise for fruits and vegetables, fruit, berry and plant products, as well as for methods for determining antibiotics, organochlorine pesticides, probiotic microorganisms, iron admixture in food products,» the statement says.
The new version of the program also provides for amendments to 45 interstate standards, 44 of which will be developed by Russia and one by Belarus. It was prepared in accordance with the proposals of the EAEU countries, as well as taking into account the implementation of the current version of the program.