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Mandatory labeling of alcohol and tobacco introduced in Kyrgyzstan from July 1

Mandatory labeling of alcohol and tobacco products by digital identification means will be introduced in Kyrgyzstan from July 1,2021. The State Tax Service reported.

A ban on circulation of unmarked alcohol and tobacco products will be imposed in the country from January 1,2022.

Vodka, alcoholic beverages, fortified drinks, fortified juices and balsams, wines, brandy (except for brandy spirits), sparkling wines (including champagne), low-alcohol drinks, cigarettes (with filter, without filter) and products with heated tobacco (heated tobacco stick, heated tobacco capsule) are subject to obligatory labeling.

Manufacturers and importers of these groups of goods, in order to obtain GTIN codes for marking, first of all, need to join the GS1 Kyrgyzstan Subject Numbering Association.

After that, an agreement is concluded with the national operator of marking Alfa Telecom CJSC for provision of marking codes to participants of the turnover of alcohol and tobacco products; marking codes are ordered, their application to the goods and their shipment are registered.

To conclude an agreement with Alfa Telecom CJSC, you can contact the service centers at the following addresses:

In Bishkek city:

  • Vostok-5 microdistrict, Chui Avenue, 32 / b, near Izumrud shopping center;
  • Kozhevennaya street, Dordoi market, 15th row, container No. 60-61 (Mir Obuvi);
  • Chui Avenue, 204, shopping center Bereket Grand, zero floor;
  • Aitmatov Avenue, 3, Asia Mall, zero floor.

In Osh city:

  • Masaliev Avenue, 2.

In Kara-Suu city:

  • Bakiyev street (boarding school named after K. Zhakypov).

«Additional information can be found on the website of Teksher system, as well as at phone numbers 116 or 0999333999. The goods labeling system is implemented in Kyrgyzstan as part of the fiscalization of tax procedures SMART Salym, along with the introduction of electronic invoices, an automated gas filling station management system, an electronic consignment notes, information system Consolidated Post, KKM-online,» the statement says.
