The number of people infected with novel coronavirus has grown by 488,856 globally over the past 24 hours. Data of an online map developed by scientists say.
In total, 150,124,248 people got infected with coronavirus. The highest number of the infected is in the United States (32,288,764), India (18,376,524), Brazil (14,590,678), France (5,653,533), Russia (4,742,142), Turkey (4,788,700), Great Britain (4,429,849), Italy (4,009,208), Spain (3,514,942), Germany (3,391,039), Argentina (2,954,943), Columbia (2,841,944), and Poland (2,785,353).
Coronavirus cases have been reported in 192 countries.
As of today, the number of people who recovered from coronavirus exceeds 87,200,000. The figure grew by 1,258,172 for 24 hours.
At least 3,161,971 people died from the virus (growth by 10,907 people for 24 hours), including 575,193 people — in the USA, 401,186— in Brazil, 216,447— in Mexico, 204,832— in India, 127,759— in the UK, and 120,544 — in Italy.
At least 95,275 cases of coronavirus were registered in Kyrgyzstan, 372,662 cases — in Kazakhstan, 90,406— in Uzbekistan, 13,308 — in Tajikistan.