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Sadyr Japarov suggest to extend Cross Year of Kyrgyzstan and Russia

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov wrote an article «Allied Ties» ahead of his first official visit to Moscow. It was published in Slovo Kyrgyzstana government newspaper.

In particular, he noted that 2020, declared the Cross Year of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, has become another impetus for further development of relations between the countries.

According to him, the goals of more than 200 events included in the cross year program were «to step up bilateral interaction, to develop direct friendly contacts between citizens of our countries.»

«Unfortunately, as you know, the pandemic has made its sudden adjustments to the joint plans, and not everything that was planned came true. We managed to hold the grand opening of the Cross Year, but some of the events had to be reformatted. Both the Day of Russia in Kyrgyzstan and the Day of Independence of Kyrgyzstan in Russia were held online,» the article says.

Sadyr Japarov proposes to extend the terms of the Cross Year.

«I am sure that I will find support of the Russian leadership in this matter,» he said.

Sadyr Japarov is expected to leave for Moscow at the end of February for talks with Vladimir Putin.