Referendum in Kyrgyzstan: CEC registers three more campaign groups

15:24, 26 декабря 2020, Bishkek - news agency , Darya PODOLSKAYA

The Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan registered three more campaign groups. The decision was made today at the meeting.

These groups will speak for the presidential republic. Thus, eight groups will campaign for the presidential form of government, two — for the parliamentary form and two — for none of the above options.

The campaign groups must create funds within four calendar days to pay including for publishing explanatory materials in private media. Airtime and space in the state media are provided free of charge based on drawing of lots.

Voters are offered to choose the form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic:

  • Presidential republic,
  • Parliamentary republic,
  • None of the above.

Citizens can vote either for the presidential, or for the parliamentary form, or against all proposed options.