15:21, 04 ноября 2020, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Tatyana KUDRYAVTSEVA
Compared to the data on Tuesday, U.S. dollar depreciated a little in Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, its exchange rate still remains at the level of 84 soms.
Today the American currency is bought for 83.6-83.8 soms, and sold for 83.9-84.1 soms. In comparison with the data on Tuesday evening, it has depreciated by 20-30 tyiyns.
At the same time, the official exchange rate was set by the National Bank at 83.7 soms (2.32 percent growth). The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan has not conducted interventions since October 29.
The dollar sharply appreciated last week. This forced the National Bank to intervene, selling record $ 42.4 million. It was the largest intervention in the past six months. However, growth of the dollar exchange rate repeatedly started at the beginning of the week.