Elections 2020: CEC of Kyrgyzstan sends ballots to regions

11:25, 25 сентября 2020, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kyrgyzstan sent ballots to the regions of the country. Press service of the Central Election Commission reported.

The ceremony of signing the act of acceptance and transfer of the produced ballots to the territorial election commissions of Jalal-Abad, Osh, Batken, Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Talas and Chui regions took place yesterday in the building of Uchkun Printing House.

At least 643,777 ballots were sent to Jalal-Abad region, Osh region — 682,673, Batken region — 284,300, Naryn region — 176,203, Issyk-Kul region — 290,766, Talas region — 149,008, Chui region — 586,669.

A total of 3,523,532 ballots were produced. In addition, 5,928 ballot papers were printed in Braille.

The CEC added that the process of printing the ballots was monitored around the clock by a working group, which included members of the CEC, employees of the Information and Organizational Departments of the CEC administration. Security was provided by employees of the State Committee for National Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A set of equipment was installed in the printing shop of Uchkun OJSC, on which the printed bulletins were tested.

«The ballot paper has a high degree of protection, a special protective paint is used on it to recognize each ballot by an automatically reading ballot box,» the CEC noted.

According to the election legislation, ballots are handed over to territorial election commissions 10 calendar days before voting day, and to precinct election commissions — 2-1 calendar days.

The number of ballots handed over to a precinct election commission may not exceed the number of voters included in the list by more than 0.1 percent.

It is prohibited to take out from the premises of printing houses, election commissions, as well as copy and distribute ballots in violation of the requirements of the constitutional law on elections.

The ballots are transported by a dedicated security service.