Correctional institutions of Kyrgyzstan receive 20 tons of hygiene items

14:10, 12 августа 2020, Bishkek - news agency , Maria ORLOVA

Correctional institutions of Kyrgyzstan’s penitentiary system have been handed over humanitarian aid — hygiene items and gloves. GIZ office in Kyrgyzstan reported.

The support was provided by the global health program BACKUP Health to improve infection prevention and control in eleven prisons of Kyrgyzstan with a total of 7,000 prisoners and 4,000 prison employees.

«They will be provided with 20 tons of hygiene items and gloves (11,000 boxes of detergent, 33,000 bars of soap and 4,000 boxes of gloves) for € 39,350. The first batch was received on August 7,» the GIZ office reported.