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Kyrgyzstan takes 2nd place in Central Asia in development of e-government

Kyrgyzstan takes the second place among the countries of Central Asia in terms of the development of e-government. The State Communications Committee of Kyrgyzstan reports.

According to it, Kyrgyzstan took the 83rd place out of 193 participating countries in the global UN E-Government Development Index.

«This is the best indicator of the republic over the past 10 years in terms of the development of e-government. Kyrgyzstan exceeded by four positions the target indicator of the country’s digitalization level set for 2020. Improvement of our country’s position in the E-Government Development Index is also due to high rates of electronic interaction and data exchange through Tunduk system. So, technical measures have been taken to connect 64 ministries and departments, as well as 39 commercial organizations, which allowed to ensure exchange of data and the availability of public services and services to the population,» the committee said.
