17:30, 07 июля 2020, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA
The epidemiological situation in Kyrgyzstan has worsened with increase in the number of people with community-acquired pneumonia, which is a consequence of coronavirus infection. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Kubatbek Boronov, told at a press conference.
He noted that the domestic healthcare system faced with an unprecedented burden due to a sharp deterioration in the epidemiological situation in Bishkek and Chui region. The head of the Cabinet admitted that they did not prepare on time.
«We had plans. We were getting ready. It is not even about money. Funds were allocated from the budget at the request of departments. But we did not have time to purchase the necessary equipment. The healthcare system problems that have accumulated for 30 years cannot be resolved for 2-3 months. If oxygen concentrators had been bought a week earlier, the situation would probably not have become complicated. The excitement has subsided for the past two days,» the head of the Cabinet said.