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#REaction 2.0 rally: Participants chant “Facts!” and “Freedom of Speech!”

A peaceful rally in support of freedom of speech and against corruption takes place on Ala-Too square in Bishkek at the monument to April 7, 2010 events. The number of participants increased to 600 people.

Protesters chant: «You won’t shut everyone up,» «We demand real reforms» and «Raiym kamalsyn» (arrest Raiym.)

Participants play the national instrument dobulbas (drum). In ancient times, this was a symbol of preparation for a battle (war).

The reason for the rally was the information that the Matraimovs filed a lawsuit against three media outlets, including 24.kg news agency, and journalist Ali Toktakunov. The total amount of the claim is 60 million soms.
