Interior Ministry veterans ask President to dismiss Kashkar Dzhunushaliev

15:19, 10 декабря 2019, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan sent an appeal to the President of the country in support of the ex-president Almazbek Atambayev.

Twenty one former police officers ask Sooronbai Jeenbekov to bring to justice the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Committee for National Security for illegal actions.

According to the authors of the appeal, the campaign planned in Koi-Tash on August 7-8 was unconstitutional and contrary to the norms of the law.

«Illegal actions by the SCNS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs following the orders of the investigator Erkinbek Ashirkhodzhaev would not have been possible without the consent of the heads of these bodies. The planned campaign was unconstitutional and contradictory to the law,» the appeal says.

It is necessary to initiate criminal cases against the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security and the Minister of Internal Affairs on the facts of causing serious harm to the health of the population, violation of the inviolability of residence and other crimes.

From the appeal of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The police veterans believe that everything happens without knowledge of the head of state, and ask for consideration by the Council for Selection of Judges of illegal decisions of judges in the case against Almazbek Atambayev, judges of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, «who disgraced Kyrgyzstan around the world, making a decision that contradicts general rules of jurisprudence.»

«We ask you to fire the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security Opumbaev and the Minister of Internal Affairs Dzhunushaliev, instruct the Prosecutor General to institute criminal proceedings against the above-mentioned persons, as well as Erkinbek Ashirkhodzhaev,» statement of the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs says.