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Historical museum to be opened after payment of debt to German company

The Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of Kyrgyzstan plans to open the National Historical Museum in the first half of 2020. The Minister Azamat Zhamankulov announced today at a meeting with participants of a protest.

He noted that the opening of the museum was postponed due to a lawsuit on its reconstruction.

“We owe a German company €220,000 for furniture. The trial is in progress. It is necessary to determine who will pay this money. We are constantly raising the issue of opening of the museum. We hope that it will be possible in the first half of the year,” Azamat Zhamankulov said.

In July 2018, the Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case on illegal use of budget funds allocated for reconstruction of the building and purchase of equipment for the National Historical Museum. Damage to the state amounted to 307,650 million soms.

Corruption charges on this fact were also brought against the former Prime Minister Sapar Isakov, who was detained within a criminal case on modernization of Bishkek HPP. He is in the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security.    
