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110 km/h speed limit. Where and when it is allowed in Kyrgyzstan

An increase in vehicle speed to 110 kilometers per hour will be allowed on Bishkek — Naryn — Torugart highway. Head of the Traffic Safety Department of the Central Traffic Safety Inspectorate Talantbek Ibraev told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, the pilot project will be launched in 2020. Until this time, the Ministry of Transport and Roads should prepare roads for the speed increase.

«After introduction of components of Safe City project, drivers asked to increase the speed limit on the bypass road. The project will concern only those sections of the road with a separating strip and four-lane traffic. The rules clearly state that such speed is allowed if traffic safety is provided. Until the Ministry of Transport installs the appropriate road signs, drivers will not be able to drive at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour,» Talantbek Ibraev said.

Amendments to the Rules of the Road were signed by the Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev. According to the changes, driving at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour is allowed on highways of the republic.
