Omurbek Babanov decides to come to Bishkek

19:10, 08 августа 2019, Bishkek - news agency , Julia KOSTENKO

Respublika political party calls on the President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov and the former head of state Almazbek Atambayev to resolve the issue peacefully and legally.

The situation in Kyrgyzstan is aggravating due to the fierce confrontation between the government and associates of Almazbek Atambayev.

In this regard, the leader of Respublika party Omurbek Babanov decided to come to Bishkek.

«We believe that by joint efforts we will be able to stop the tense situation and direct actions to the field of law and legality. We are obliged to save Kyrgyzstan,» the message says.

Yesterday night, special forces of the SCNS attempted to detain the former president of the country Almazbek Atambayev in Koi-Tash village. However, the storm failed. Atambayev’s supporters did not let the special forces into the house of the former head of state. During the second detention attempt, riots broke out. Nearly 50 people were taken to hospitals in Bishkek and Chui region. One serviceman of the SCNS Special Forces received a gunshot wound. He died in a hospital. The head of the Main Internal Affairs Department of Chui region was broken his head. He’s in a coma. Criminal cases were opened after riots in Koi-Tash.