Bishkek City Administration has received 19 notifications and applications for holding meetings, rallies and processions since the beginning of 2019. Such events disturb our citizens, business and tourists. Mayor of the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Aziz Surakmatov, stated.
The mayor made the statement after the public widely discussed preparations for a large-scale rally of supporters of the ex-deputy of the Parliament, Omurbek Babanov, who intends to return to the country today.
«On weekends, when citizens and their families spend their time in parks, mini parks, on Old Square and the central Ala-Too square, the Bishkek City Administration is forced to restrict the rest of people, to ensure public order in the places of rallies. After each rally, city services take out tons of garbage, plastic bottles, glasses and plates. Their participants break stone blocks, trample flower beds, break benches, lanterns, overturn litterbins. And the workers of Tazalyk municipal enterprise wash the squares and sidewalks,» said Aziz Surakmatov in the statement.
According to the mayor of the capital, it is abundantly clear that such actions do not achieve their goals, since in a modern state everything should be decided in the legal field.
We are very concerned that street rallies destabilize the situation, discourage investors and tourists, create opportunities for provocations for third forces.
Aziz Surakmatov
«Expression of one’s views and positions in this way brings confusion and disorder into the ordered life of citizens, taking from the city budget considerable funds intended for the development of the capital. The City Administration calls on all citizens to say no to rallies in the capital! We are ready to provide halls, rooms for meaningful dialogue and debates of all forces. It is time to solve problems at a round table, take the path of creation and development. The Bishkek City Administration calls on all political and public associations to listen to the voice of reason and impose a moratorium on holding political rallies in the capital until 2020,» Aziz Surakmatov says in the statement.
«Elections to the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic will be held in 2020, we call on all progressive forces of the country to take the path of civilized and competitive struggle of programs and concepts. We all have to keep the course on the modern state of law! Let the future new parliament be a model of high political and legal culture, and we all need to take care of Bishkek and our own Kyrgyzstan!» the message says.
Supporters of the ex-deputy of the Parliament, Omurbek Babanov, do not agree with the decision of the Pervomaisky District Court, which prohibited them from holding a rally on Old Square. They were offered to hold it in the park named after Maxim Gorky. But supporters of the politician disagree.