Some sections of North – South alternative road already falling apart

14:02, 01 марта 2019, Bishkek - news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA

Section of North - South alternative road, built a year ago in Jumgal district of Naryn region, is falling apart. Video confirming it was posted on a page of Onuguu Jumgal Jashtar Kyimyly public group on Facebook.

According to author of the video, Marat Otorbaev, cracks appeared on the road after warming.

«After the snow melted, cracks became visible here. You can see that the asphalt was laid poorly. The road was made last year. As you know, North — South road is built at the expense of a loan from China. Where do the huge sums of money go?» the locals ask.

The Exim Bank of China allocated funds to Kyrgyzstan for the construction of the road. The total loan amount is estimated at nearly $ 400 million. The contractor is also a Chinese company. In addition, in November 2018, ADB allocated $ 78 million to improve the sections from Balykchi to Bishkek — Naryn — Torugart and Kochkor — Epkin highways with a total length of 68 kilometers.

Construction of the alternative road has repeatedly provoked criticism. In particular, the deputy Marat Amankulov was outraged that the construction was behind schedule, and the control over the actual amount of work done was completely lost.