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Kyrgyzstan to replace its representatives in Centerra Gold

Kyrgyzaltyn company announced a competitive selection of two candidates for independent members of the Board of Directors of Centerra Gold, nominated by the Kyrgyz side. Official website of the company says.

It is noted that the competitive selection will be held in two stages. At the first stage, an interdepartmental commission will estimate the applications submitted and select the most suitable candidates. At the second, the applicants will be interviewed.

A number of requirements are put forward for the candidates for the post. They must have a higher economic, legal or technical education in the field of the mining industry and work experience in their specialty. It is important to have experience in the management bodies of commercial organizations, knowledge of the specifics of the mining enterprises, the basics of accounting and finance, the principles of corporate management, the mechanisms of international financial markets.

A candidate must be fluent in English and not dependent on the government of Kyrgyzstan; he or she must have an impeccable reputation, lack of criminal record, have no bans on entry into Canada and other countries.

A candidate must be a citizen of Kyrgyzstan not younger than 30 and not older than 67. Kyrgyzaltyn accepts applications from potential candidates until January 31, 2019.

The Board of Directors of Centerra Gold has 11 members. Kyrgyzstan is represented by two independent representatives and one member of the Board of Directors, who is depends on Kyrgyzaltyn company. In 2018, Nurlan Kyshtobaev left the Board of Directors. He was replaced by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kyrgyzaltyn Askar Oskombaev. After dismissal of Bektur Sagynov from the company, his place in Centerra Gold became vacant. At present, Kyrgyzstan’s interests in Centerra Gold are represented only by Eduard Kubatov. However, he may also leave the post after the contest.
