USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Bishkek City Administration to buy nine more Chinese buses without tender

Bishkek Passenger Transport Municipal Enterprise posted an advertisement on the purchase of nine buses on the state procurement portal.

They will be bought from Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co. Ltd. which won the tender for the supply of 60 buses. The purchase will be carried out by direct contract method, since its cost does not exceed 15 percent of the total contract concluded on the basis of a tender with keeping the price and technical specifications.

At least 45.1 million soms were allocated for 9 buses.

Recall, a winner of the tender for the supply of buses to Bishkek — the Chinese corporation Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. — was determined on December 14.

At least 382.5 million soms were allocated from the city budget for the purchase of buses. Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co. Ltd. pledged to deliver 60 buses for 301 million soms.
