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Regulations on packaged drinking water safety to come into force on January 1

Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union on the safety of packaged drinking water, including natural mineral water, will come into force on January 1, 2019. The Eurasian Economic Commission reported.

Bottles of drinking water for baby food will have a mandatory inscription «for baby food» or other indication of the purpose of the drinking water. The manufacturer or seller must provide information about the age of the children for whom drinking water is intended (up to or from three years), report on the total salinity, the main composition indicating chemical elements, storage conditions and shelf life after opening of the container.

The new document of the Eurasian Economic Union applies to natural mineral water, including table, medical-table and medical, as well as blended, treated and natural drinking water, drinking water for baby food, artificially mineralized drinking water.

The document was adopted on June 23, 2017, the delay was given with the need for a smooth transition of producers and sellers to new requirements.

The technical regulations set special requirements for the production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water. In particular, entrepreneurs must strictly adhere to the norms on chemical, microbiological and radiation safety.

For bottling of natural mineral water, it is obligatory to use it from a source or well protected from anthropogenic impact, which is classified as natural mineral water.

Packaged drinking water, in addition to drinking water for baby food, medical table and medical natural mineral water, must be declared before being released into circulation.

Transitional provisions have been approved for a systematic transition of market participants to the production of packaged drinking water that meets the new requirements. Previously issued conformity assessment documents are valid until their expiration date, but no later than July 1, 2020. At the same time, products with such documents, drawn up based on previously existing requirements, may be issued until July 1, 2020 and be on sale before the expiration date.
