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EEU countries sponsor budget of Kyrgyzstan, Transparency Kazakhstan believes

Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus sponsor the budget of Kyrgyzstan at the expense of their own customs payments. An open letter of Transparency Kazakhstan Public Foundation to the head of the government of Kazakhstan says.

It states that until 2020, the share of the Kyrgyz Republic in customs duties of the Eurasian Economic Union is 1.9 percent. The experts of the organization believe that the actual amount of income from the common treasury of the union is higher than the customs fees and payments deducted by the republic. Transparency Kazakhstan notes that this situation was negotiated when Kyrgyzstan joined the EEU in 2015.

«However, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the Kyrgyz Republic hides part of customs duties due to mass smuggling from China and Turkey. A mirror analysis of WTO customs statistics showed huge amounts of discrepancies (3-4 times). This influences the total amount of customs duties and affects all EEU states, especially Kazakhstan, which raised this issue in 2017 to Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev,» the message says.

Experts of the anti-corruption movement proposed to raise the issue at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Economic Council to solve the problem of smuggling in the Kyrgyz Republic. It was proposed to introduce joint customs control of EEU countries at customs posts. The letter was sent through e-gov portal and published on the foundation’s website.
