USD 87.44
EUR 89.38
RUB 0.85

Kyrgyzstan takes 3rd place in amount of remittances from Russia

Kyrgyzstan takes the third place in the amount of remittances from Russia. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation presented such data.

According to it, for 9 months of 2018, at least $ 9,800 billion have been transferred from Russia to other countries. Uzbekistan takes the first place among CIS countries. At least $ 3,050 billion have been transferred to the republic.

Other $ 1,900 billion was transferred to Tajikistan, $ 1,700 billion - to Kyrgyzstan, $ 500 million - to Kazakhstan.

According to the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan, for the first nine months of 2018, the inflow of remittances to the republic amounted to $ 1,970.5 billion.    
