The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev held a meeting on the implementation of the Safe City project. Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.
According to the schedule, the first deliveries of equipment are planned for December 25. Test operation will begin from January 25, 2019, and the project will be launched in an industrial format by February 10.
Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev criticized the lack of a unified coordinated vision on the deployment of hardware and software systems at intersections and speed limits areas.
Negligent and irresponsible attitude at various stages of this work has not in any way delay the project.
Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev
«I will not allow this, we will achieve a clear and phased implementation of Safe City project in order all the deadlines that we have set for each stage to be exactly met, in order all the preparatory work to be done with high quality,» he said.
The State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications has signed an agreement with Vega Radio Engineering Corporation for the implementation of the first phase of Safe City project. The company won the tender.
The company offered 1,125 billion soms for the 1st lot, for the second — 1,195 billion soms. At least 38 intersections and 52 stationary posts will be equipped with cameras recording traffic rules violations.