Personal transport may be prohibited on some streets of Bishkek in order to improve the ecological situation in the capital. Head of the State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry, Abdykalyk Rustamov, told at a press conference.
According to him, he was the chairman of the interdepartmental working group, which developed 33 points for improving the ecological state of Bishkek.
«This concerns not only city planning norms, but also the Road Traffic Regulations and the development of public transport. It is necessary to create conditions for passengers in order they to use public transport, and not private cars. To do this, some streets are likely to be closed for the passage of personal transport next year. Only public transport will move there. There will be no traffic jams, emissions will decrease. People will be able to get to work in a short time, and not to stand on the gas-polluted streets,» said Abdykalyk Rustamov.