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Accounts Chamber finds violations at Agency for Elimination of Banks

Written off fixed assets in the amount of 1.7 million soms were revealed at the Agency for Elimination of Banks. Report of the Accounts Chamber on the results of the audit of the agency in 2017 says.

According to it, with the planned income of 9.4 million soms for 2017, the actual income amounted to 4.9 million soms. The income plan was fulfilled by 52.3 percent.

For 2017, the total expenditure amounted to 4.5 million soms with a plan of 8.6 million soms. In 2017, the agency received a profit of 0.4 million soms.

«The written-off fixed assets last year amounted to 1.7 million soms, including written off intangible assets — software and inventory items. They are in stock. The agency needs to make a final decision on the further use of the written off property or its sale,» the report says.

As a result of the audit, the Accounts Chamber proposed to take measures in terms of completing the work on signing a reconciliation statement with the Ministry of Finance and to eliminate shortcomings in work.
