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Kyrgyzstan to get $ 50 million for drinking water supply of Talas and Batken

The Islamic Development Bank will allocate a loan of $ 50 million to Kyrgyzstan for the development of drinking water supply in Batken and Talas regions. The Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.

It is specified that the Deputy Prime Minister Zamirbek Askarov met with the Director of the Regional Office of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Hisham Maruf.

«Earlier, Kyrgyzstan and the Islamic Development Bank signed an agreement on a loan of $ 30 million, but later this amount was increased to $ 50 million. The interest rate on the loan was reduced to 0.75. The loan is issued for 30 years. The money will be directed to the development of drinking water supply in 91 villages of Batken and Talas regions,» the government reported.
