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Breakdown occurs at Uch-Kurgan HPS in Kyrgyzstan

A breakdown occurred at Uch-Kurgan hydropower station in Kyrgyzstan. A generator switched off. Press service of Electric Stations OJSC reported.

Today, a hydraulic unit No. 2 with a load drop of 45 megawatts disconnected from differential protection at Uch-Kurgan hydropower station. It was removed out of service due to damage in the stator winding. All necessary spare parts are in stock. Consumers will not feel this, since the power reserve is 250 megawatts.

The remaining stations operate in usual mode. Over the past day, about 58,146 million kilowatt-hours have been generated, at least 6,993 million kilowatt-hours of them — by the Bishkek HPP. The temperature of the water supplied to the city is 72 degrees.

Previously, Kambarata HPP-2 was stopped because of the siltation of the gate. It was put in operation on November 6.
