USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Kyrgyz Ayaz Ata - in top 10 most popular Father Frosts among tourists

Experts compiled a ranking of the most popular Father Frosts among tourists in the CIS countries.

According to the analytical agency TurStat, the top ten include Dzyed Maroz in Belarus, Ayaz Ata in Kyrgyzstan, Shahta Baba in Azerbaijan, Kahand Papa in Armenia, Korbobo in Uzbekistan, Mosh Krechun in Moldova, Ayaz Ata in Kazakhstan, Boboi Barfi in Tajikistan, Ayaz Baba in Turkmenistan and Tovlis Papa in Georgia.

The ranking is based on the analysis of visits of tourists to the residences of Father Frosts, experts say.

In 2018, the main Russian Father Frost celebrates his birthday on November 18 in Veliky Ustyug of Vologda Oblast. On this day, the Father Frost lights up the first New Year tree in Russia and meets Father Frosts from all over the country and the CIS countries.
