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Stylist of Modniy Prigovor TV program Armen Torosyan tells about fashion trends

Armen Torosyan, a well-known stylist and a participant of Modniy Prigovor (Fashion Verdict) Russian TV program, told what did it mean to be fashionable, and advised Bishkek fans of the fashion industry to keep their style and not to chase for brands.

Armen has come to Bishkek for the 11th time already. He noted positive developments in the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The stylist especially liked that the representatives of the next generation in Bishkek were not afraid of experiments and boldly dyed their hair in peacock colors.

— Has the style of our fashionistas changed? Which way?

— Yes, it has. People have become somehow closer to fashion. They are trying to introduce new trends in the salons, although not so long ago the people said that this was impossible. Half of the city population has colored hair; this is evidence of something.

— What exactly?

— People are not afraid of changes. They move away from the stereotype, and it’s great. You know, there is such an overused phrase «following the fashion is ridiculous, and not following it is stupid.» But this does not mean that everybody must wear standard brands. You need to catch your inner vector, answer the question who you are, and then a sense of style will appear.

— That is, Bishkek fashionistas do not have this? And what is their distinctive feature?

— I can’t say how the Bishkek fashionistas differ from their, let’s say, colleagues from Almaty or Moscow. You see, there are dandies, but they would have been fashionable in 2004.

I want to say that you should not blindly chase for brands and stuff your closet with accessories and top clothes. Be neat, cared-for, with an elegant manicure, and you will always be in the fashion.

Armen Torosyan

— Let’s talk about clothes. What should not a woman at Balzac age wear? Name, for example, five basic colors that are prohibited.

— A woman who stepped over her fortieth year of life should get rid of miniskirts and low dresses. Of course, you should not wear bright pink stretch clothing and blouses with fringe, if you are well over fifty. It just looks comical. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the figure, correctly select prints.

You do not need to try to look younger if you don’t want those who see you to die of laughter.

Armen Torosyan

— How do not overdo with decorations in order not to shine like a Christmas tree?

— In general, I am for fashion jewelry. It is better to put on artfully made fashion jewelry, decorated with Swarovski rhinestones, than to wear an imitation of diamonds. It is cheap. It must be remembered that diamonds are made to wear them in the evening.

The stone comes to life at this particular time of day and begins to gleam. But not everyone has the means for good jewelry, especially exclusive one. Therefore, I recommend to wear fashion jewelry. But do not put on everything that you find in your jewel-box. You’re not at a carnival.

When I see a lady gleaming like a show window of a jewelry store, associations with wild hairstyles come up immediately.

Armen Torosyan

For example, you can perfectly make bows, waves, plaits and braids from hair. Make it all on one head. And what we get in the end? Full confusion, showing the tastelessness of the master.

— Is the combination of a bag and shoes still relevant? I mean, what should we pay special attention at to look stylish and not tasteless?

— The combination of shoes and bags has always been required. But we must look at the print. That is, if you have leopard shoes, this is cool, but if you take a leopard bag to them, you will get a farmer style. And when I see a woman in a leopard dress, the same pantyhose plus a clutch with the same print, and she has leopard print shoes on her legs, I get hysterical.

No, I do not argue, you can wear a leopard dress, if it is Cavalli, but if it is a rough fake, made by the Chinese or Turks, it is better not to wear it. Do not disgrace yourself.

Armen Torosyan
I am for simplicity. Especially if you do not understand, it is better not to experiment. You should not be zealous and pick up outfits decorated with rhinestones or complex prints. As a result, you get the risk of having the opposite effect on others. They will laugh at you.

— What is on trend now? And is it necessary to follow fashion to be stylish?

— I would not advise to follow the fashion in the form in which you are used to. Some people start to buy everything that is sold. If something does not suit you, do not take it. There are a lot of clothes that I like, but I don’t buy them because I understand: If I wear them, I’ll be like a clown. Follow the fashion, but do not copy everything on the runway.

It is important to remember that fashion is transformed now. Currently, we are witnessing the so-called up in the air state, when everything is in fashion. Therefore, if I now designate any specific trend, I will lie.

— Well, how one should dress up when traveling in Europe, for example?

— Simply. See how people dress in Paris, London, Berlin, Prague. Have you ever seen a lady sweeping an avenue with chinchilla or mink fur coats? Not. This is a bad taste. The main rule is to be cared-for and tidy. Manicure, pedicure is above all for a woman. Clean hair is generally out of discussion.

Imagine a lady dressed in brand clothes, but with greasy hair and gnawed nails. In my opinion, this is just a ghastly sight. The smell is also unpleasant.

Armen Torosyan

In short, stay always clean, neat, and you will be on trend. When you die, they will not say that you were fashionable, they will say that you were stylish.
