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Website of Tunduk state electronic system launched in Kyrgyzstan

Tunduk website, where system participants can get answers to all their questions, has been developed in Kyrgyzstan. The First Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Kubatbek Boronov said at a meeting on the implementation of the plan for the development of priority databases of state bodies in the framework of the introduction of an inter-agency electronic interaction system.

According to the Information Support Department of the government’s executive office, specialists of the state-owned enterprise Electronic Interaction System provide consulting and technical support to all government bodies connected to the system.

«The issue of introducing electronic interaction Tunduk is under the control of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. We are striving to simplify the provision of public services, increase their efficiency and create a single point of access to all information resources of the state bodies,» said the First Deputy Prime Minister.

A number of ministries and departments need to introduce the databases specified in the plan within two weeks and send the information to the Electronic Interaction Center. They were instructed to make proposals and additions for unaccounted and unrepresented certificates, to connect to the state payment gateway in order to increase transparency and to exclude requests for a payment receipt for paid services and certificates.

Tunduk system implies that ministries, state enterprises, municipal authorities and other organizations will be able to exchange information directly, without asking for information and certificates from citizens.
