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Kyrgyzstan takes 22nd place in the Global Slavery Index 2018

Kyrgyzstan took the 22nd place in the ranking of the prevalence of slavery among the countries of Europe and Central Asia. The index was compiled by the international human rights organization Walk Free Foundation. Fergana agency reported.

Researchers determined slavery index for each country, calculating how many people out of 1,000 are victims of slavery. The index of Kyrgyzstan is 4.1.

Turkmenistan with an indicator of 11.2 was recognized «the most slave country» in the region.

Belarus takes the second place with an index of 10.9, and Macedonia is in third place with an index of 8.7. Next in the rankings are Greece, Albania, Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro and Lithuania. Russia with an index of 5.5 takes the 11th line.

Uzbekistan with an index of 5.2 is on the 14th place in the ranking, and Tajikistan — on the 15th (4.5). The 21st place is occupied by Kazakhstan with an index of 4.2.

Developed countries of the European Union close the ranking. So, the UK takes the 38th place with the index 2.1, and France, Belgium and Germany having the same index (2) take places from the 39th to the 41st. Luxemburg closes the ranking with 1.5 index and the 50th place.

The researchers also calculated «vulnerability index», which demonstrates what percentage of the country’s population is not protected from slavery and at any moment may become a victim of forced labor.

Turkmenistan was ranked first on this indicator: 58.1 percent of the country’s citizens are in danger of becoming slaves.

Tajikistan, where 55.8 percent of citizens are at risk of becoming slaves, takes the second place. The third place is occupied by Ukraine (54.4 percent), and the fourth — by Russia (51.6 percent).

Uzbekistan takes the 7th place — 47.5 percent of citizens are vulnerable to slavery. Kazakhstan is on the 14th place with an index of 43.3 percent, and Kyrgyzstan takes the 15th place with an index of 42.8 percent.

The authorities of Turkmenistan and Russia, according to the researchers, are least of all in the region sensitive to the danger of slavery. Officials of these two countries make the least effort to eradicate forced labor.
