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Resident of Chon-Alai district donates his land plot for construction of school

All schools in the country will be connected to the Internet in 2018 in order the schoolchildren to have an opportunity to enrich their knowledge, to develop, to keep up with the times. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stated within a two-day working visit to Osh region. The Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers took part in the opening ceremony of secondary schools in Shibee and Kulchu villages of Chon-Alai district. He stressed that the government was trying to create the conditions necessary for quality education of the children.

We plan to open 150 social facilities this year, about 70 of which are educational institutions.

Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev

«It is planned to introduce learning of English language at all schools of the republic. This is necessary in current time, since children need to freely speak several languages. This will open up more opportunities for them in the future,» the prime minister said.

Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev added that much depends on the teachers, who should work with all efficiency and responsibility.

The head of government expressed gratitude to the local resident, who allocated his own land for construction of a school.

«This is a good example and a model of citizenship, when a person decided to make his own contribution to the educational system and the future of the children living in the area. All residents of the surrounding villages will remember your deed,» Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said and instructed to award the man.
