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Court blocks bank accounts of Zanoza.kg and Azattyk

Judge of Leninskiy District Court of Bishkek Zhyldyz Zhumabayeva issued a court ruling on blocking of accounts of ProMedia Public Foundation (Zanoza.kg website) and Azattyk Media (Azattyk.org website) in Kyrgyz banks. The decision was made on March 14, but the ruling was received only today, on March 22. Zanoza.kg reported.

It is noted that earlier the court ruled to block articles on two websites in order to prevent their further distribution. Azattyk and Zanoza.kg lawyer filed a private complaint to the Bishkek City Court in response to the decision on blocking. Therefore, the consideration of the case was postponed.

Recall, according to the suit of the Prosecutor General Indira Dzholdubaeva, defending the honor and dignity of the President Almazbek Atambayev, the defendant in addition to refutation demands 13 million soms in form of compensation for moral damage: 10 million from Azattyk and 3 million from Zanoza.kg.

The edition notes that the suit of the Prosecutor General on the comment of Omurbek Tekebayev is one of three filed in March 2017.

So, on March 6, the Prosecutor General filed a lawsuit against two lawyers of Tekebayev, Azattyk and Zanoza.kg for covering the press conference of lawyers. In total, the Prosecutor General demands from the defendants 26 million soms in favor of Almazbek Atambayev. In this case, the defendant’s lawyer also filed a private complaint to the city court against blocking of publications. The consideration of the case on this matter was also postponed.

The third lawsuit was filed on March 13 against Zanoza.kg and one of its authors Naryn Aiyp for mentioning in an interview with Askar Akayev, where he doubts the honesty of the millions earned by Atambayev. The material was published on October 22, 2015. The court’s decision to block the publication was made on March 15. In support of this claim, the court sequestered Naryn Ayip’s apartment by another ruling on the same day.
