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Infant mortality in Kyrgyzstan decreases

The infant mortality rate in Kyrgyzstan has decreased over the year by an average of 13 percent, UNICEF KR reported.

According to its data, in January 2017 in 34 maternity and pediatric departments in hospitals of Batken, Jalal-Abad, Osh and Issyk-Kul oblasts conducted monitoring visits on effective perinatal care, neonatal resuscitation, integrated management of childhood deseases.

The team of experts, consisting of obstetricians, pediatricians, intensive care, midwives, pediatric nurses, specialists in blood transfusion, observed improvement of departments' infrastructure and their medicines equipment, practical skills of medical professionals to provide neonatal resuscitation and care of emergency obstetric situations. All this had an impact on the improvement of mortality among mothers, newborns and children.

Nevertheless, in some hospitals, maternal and child mortality rates are rising, lacks necessary equipment to ensure proper infant care, the number of maternity rooms doesn’t meet international standards, lack of doctors, neonatologists, there is an error diagnosis and inappropriate treatment of some serious condition of children and maternity patients. Following a discussion the practical steps to improve health care at all levels designed.
