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Sadyr Japarov congratulates SCNS employees on their professional holiday

The President of Kyrgyzstan congratulated employees of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) on the Day of National Security Bodies of Kyrgyzstan. The press service of the head of state reported.

Sadyr Japarov noted that employees of the State Committee for National Security, sparing no effort, protect the security and territorial integrity of the state from internal and external threats, while demonstrating an example of selfless heroism for the sake of the Motherland. He also emphasized that over the past three years, great changes have occurred in the national security agencies, both quantitatively and qualitatively, as a result of which significant progress has been achieved.

«Your active and professional actions ensure the stable operation of important state and public institutions of the country and create favorable conditions for the creative work of our people. Today, the country’s national security agencies are waging a merciless fight against corruption and organized crime. Residents of the republic should see the effectiveness of this fight and provide all possible assistance,» the congratulatory message says.

The threats and challenges occurring in the world, the use of modern technologies by international terrorist and extremist organizations, and the growth of cybercrime require new approaches and methods.

Therefore, the head of state believes that it is necessary to further increase the effectiveness of intelligence and counterintelligence activities. It is considered the basis of security agencies, which will allow significant results to be achieved in this main direction. At the same time, the country’s leadership will continue to work to improve the technical, social and material support for the activities of national security agencies in order to bring it in line with the requirements of the time.

«I express special gratitude to the veterans of the security forces who dedicated their entire lives to ensuring the security of the country and the well-being of the people. The difficult path you have traveled is a wonderful example for young employees! Once again, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. I am confident that you will continue to effectively carry out your assigned tasks and serve honestly for the sake of the peace of the people and the Fatherland. I wish you good health, indomitable courage and strong will,» Sadyr Japarov concluded.
