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SCNS reveals illegal workshops for production of veterinary drugs

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) revealed underground workshops for the production of veterinary drugs. Press center of the state committee reported.

The security services identified a group of people who illegally manufactured and sold unregistered and uncertified veterinary medicines.

Medicines were intended for dehelminthization of cattle, small cattle and horses (antiparasitic treatment).

The veterinary drugs were produced without observing technical standards and conditions, by adding dyes and flavors, which were subsequently sold through veterinary pharmacies without providing certificates of conformity and other permits.

According to the Department for Registration and Certification of Veterinary Medicines and Feed Additives, these drugs do not meet veterinary and sanitary standards, microbiological and chemical-toxicological safety and are recognized as poor quality. Their use can lead to mass mortality of livestock and negatively affect the epizootic situation in the republic.

As part of a criminal case, more than 300 boxes of low-quality drugs and a large amount of raw materials and consumables for their manufacture were seized in the underground workshop and veterinary pharmacies.

The investigators establish the market value of drugs, as well as the amount of damage caused.
