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Forest restored and oaks from Bishkek planted in Kara-Kuldzha

Residents of Kara-Kuldzha district restore the forest by their own forces. Gamal Soronkulov, field mobilizer of Muras Kyimyly NGO said at the presentation of the Institute of Environmental Solutions Public Foundation.

According to him, 28 families joined together and created Archun public organization in 2014, leased 110 hectares of land on which the forest is restored.

«At least 800 prune saplings from Aksy district have been planted in 2016 at an altitude of about 1,500 meters above sea level; the local community has laid 3,800 meters of irrigation network from a spring. But they were able to provide only 30 hectares with water and fence them. The biggest problem that affects our work is overgrazing of the cattle,» Gamal Soronkulov said.

The activist added that bitter almonds are also planted; representatives of the local community donated its seeds.

«This shrub blooms beautifully, and its seeds, despite being bitter, come at a price. They are bought by Turkish businessmen for the manufacture of medicines, cosmetics,» Gamal Soronkulov told.

He noted that a nursery of deciduous trees was created in the area. After consultations with botanists, they are planned to be distributed among rural areas for landscaping of settlements.

«When we come to Bishkek, we collect acorns, chestnuts in the parks, and then plant them in the nursery. There is already a first result, seedlings are growing,» Gamal Soronkulov told.
