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Who sows wind...

Is next redrawing the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan coming, or about what is hidden behind the idea of changing signs with the name of the country.

Another initiative of representatives of Ar-Namys party, voiced by its leader on Friday, caused debate in the society. At the next meeting of the faction Felix Kulov presented to the colleagues and journalists idea which, according to him, belongs to the youth wings of political organizations. It includes four proposals, including rename of Kyrgyzstan into Republic Kyrgyz (or as a variant - in Republic Kyrgyz El), move the beginning of the school year from September 1 to 15, to ban wearing hijab in schools, to return to the Supreme Court an institution as Supreme presidium of Supreme court, and to the Constitution - an item that allows the party leadership to withdraw the mandate of the wards. Of course, for this a referendum should be held. That is what the main Ar-Namys faction member suggested.

This society, to put it mildly, related this absurd initiative to the upcoming elections in the parliament, which will be held in November 2015. Like, parties are bustling, as they can, so that the electorate noticed their efforts. Someone even linked this imitation of a flurry activity in an attempt of Kulov to get love and favor of national patriots. Is this true?

It is possible that the first two questions are included in order to distract attention and for the sake of PR. But the main idea is hidden in the last paragraph. And not so much in the desire of Ar-Namys leader to pull the strings...

Initiator himself doesn't deny that he "dropped a hint" in order resonance appeared. He stated about it in an interview to 24.kg news agency. "I don't agree with everything, but I believe that our people have to get used to the culture of the plebiscite and bring urgent issues to a referendum, - Felix Kulov said, but just in case passed the buck, adding: "Once again I say: the ideas are not mine, but our young activists."

However, it is obvious that he had a finger in a pie, and his purpose - to test the waters. But it is possible that the main puppeteer is not Kulov - strings stretch from the uppermost floors of the White House.

The present Constitution can't be changed; it can't be adjusted till 2020. And this rule is spelled out in the Basic Law of the Republic. "If one can't rewrite it, so it can be corrected," ideological inspirers decided. Especially when the law on referendums doesn't prohibit it. Exactly to it the "iron" General appeals. "We believe that it is too early to change the Basic Law completely, but one can make any changes through a referendum," he suggests.

Experts agree: "the upper strata" believes that the "lower classes" are ready for changes. And if in 2010 under pressure from the public, tired of endless correspondences of the Basic Law, it was decided to impose a moratorium on any amendments to the Constitution, but now one can safely make these changes, the initiators think. Exactly such a locomotive one tries to make from Felix Kulov.

As the member of civil union "For reforms and result" Atyr Abdrahmatova, gimmick of Ar-Namys leader is not aimed to rename the republic or return abolished Presidium of the Supreme Court. His aims are completely different. "It is unusual for such a experienced official to offer such initiatives, especially by presenting them as the aspirations of young party. Under the pretext of discussing unrelated issues, such as renaming the country, the transfer of the school year or the introduction of recall procedures parliamentarian, Kulov tries to see how the Kyrgyz people would react to the main idea - to amend the Constitution through a referendum. We all remember when each time till 2010, before the election of the president or the parliament, the Basic Law was amended, on the basis of arrangements of politicians, each time going a redistribution of power and resources of the country. Kulov and other politicians who share the idea, through such initiatives and conflict in the legislation are trying to find a new loophole. And if the Kyrgyz people agree with another proposal to amend the Constitution, the next step will be a redistribution of political powers between the president, parliament and government, as well as other issues of influence, which clearly will return Kyrgyzstan to the days of Bakiyev and Akayev," Atyr Abdrahmatova says.

According to her, the concentration of power in one hand won't lead the country to anything good. Everyone who wants to see themselves in the seat of the head of the state, aware that this person doesn't have special opportunities, so it is important for them by any means to strengthen the powers of the president before the presidential election.

It is known that one fool makes many. It's far from certain that colleagues of Kulov will rush to change the Basic Law as they like.

The Constitution of Kyrgyzstan was changed eight times during the years of independence, moreover, "face-lift" was repeatedly held. The KR was reputed to be the country, almost one of the most frequently changing the Basic Law. With the adoption of the last edition in 2010, it was decided not to change the Constitution for ten years. But this year, deputies raised the issue of amending for the second time. First initiator of changes was also from Ar-Namys - Anarbek Kalmatov. That time the question was softpedaled.

It is unknown whether undertaking of the deputies to be successful this time. The public is not ready for changes yet. But if it will able to fight against these attacks?